Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Colds in June

I got my period. I know, way too much information but seriously, who is that regular?? I am breastfeeding and got it exactly 6 weeks post partum. Same thing happened with Noah. Uggghhh. The cramps are killer and so is the PMS. As if I need any help in the moody blues department. The same week that my monthly visitor decided to come knocking so did the likes of some mysterious virus. I have the worst head cold ever, my joints ache and I just feel blah. Noah was o.k, until yesterday when he broke out in a horrible rash from head to toe. The doctor called it "viral". I call it scary! I have been hand sanitizing like a mad women and hoping breast milk saves Rowen from this crap. Who gets sick in June???? On a positive note the scale revealed the light of day, or in other words mama has hit the 130's again. I remember back in college when 130's was like, obese to me. But seriously, I am excited to get some semblance of my old self back. Now if we could only all feel better!

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